Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Backyard, Part 3,

We started picking up rocks and leveling out the yard where we wanted the grass to go.  Then we had Eric, the sprinkler guy, bring in a bunch of compost and spread it around. 

We bought the trees and shrubs for future planting also (below, right).

 The compost made the soil look so dark and lush.

Bill tilled the compost into the dirt.  Then we picked up more rocks.

After we got the yard as level as we could, we marked
 the edges of the yard and where the trees and plants would
 go for the sprinker guy.  Then we picked up more rocks.

Bill is marking the apple tree.

 The sprinkers were installed and we picked up more rocks.

Yay!!! Sprinklers!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Backyard, Part 2

The next step after laying the pavers was to cut the small pavers to fill the holes and to sweep the sand into the seams.  Then dress up the patio with flowers and a new table with chairs.

The patio from the upstairs deck. 

 We put two of the chairs on the upstairs deck so we can use both outdoor areas.

We also filled the yellow pots with flowers for the front yard.

The tall plant is kale.  This has definitely been a kale summer.

After the fun flower part, it was on to more digging in the backyard (mostly for Bill).